Monday 12 September 2011

It's official

Now there's a sight for sore eyes!

Just when you think, well it might happen one day, the phone rings and OMG it's actually going to happen. Then you look out of the window and suddenly the SOLD STC sign appears as if by magic!

There's so much to do even before we start tackling the clutter and we are still not certain that we will be able to move as quickly as we'd like to, but barring accidents, off we go!

So we're off to sunny Cornwall later in the week to have another look at the property we're hoping to buy and wish DH's Mum a happy 96th birthday! Not a lot of quilting or anything else is going to get done for a while!


  1. Woo Hoo! What a glorious sight! Fingers crossed for you that everything goes smoothly. xx

  2. thanks Julie We're on pins, but off to Cornwall this Friday to see the new house again and possibly take in the St Ives festival!
