Monday 5 September 2011

Great Northern Quilt Show

After all the excitement of the Festival of Quilts, and trying to get on with things, with not much success, suddenly it was time for the Great Northern Quilt Show. My friend Sandra had entered three of her quilts in the competition and we decided to go to see how she got on.
And this is the result. A second prize! This lovely miniature quilt is double sided and is really beautifully made. Well done Sandra! Her other quilts did not win, but looked very good.

Sorry that the photos are a bit skew whiff, but it was difficult to get close to them due to the layout.

One of the highlights for me was the exhibition of work by Frieda Oxenham. which was very colourful and just beautiful. Two in particular caught my eye. This one is called Log Cabin Ladies
and includes lots of small photographs of ladies with as a surprise one token gentleman!

This gave me an idea for a present for my big sister who  has a special birthday coming up in January. I have some photos of some of the ladies in our family so I thought it would be just the way to show them off. So I bought a pack of batik strips and am going to make a start as soon as possible. But........ oh dear, the estate agent has just phoned and it seems that someone wants to buy our house and GULP has the money ready! Just the thought of what's lurking in our attic is bringing me out in a cold sweat! Quilts may have to be put on the back burner for now.

Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. Penny, I was so delighted for Sandra that she won Second Prize for this wonderful quilt. I loved it last year and I love it just as much now. Of course, First would have been even better.

    OMG! I am so excited for you!!!!!!! fingers crossed and don't worry about the attic! xx
