Tuesday 18 January 2011

Belated New Year Resolutions

So Christmas came and went and the colds and coughs seem to be going too. As we were not able to have our visit to Cornwall for Christmas as we had planned, we went last week and have only just got back. We had rather a lot of rain, but also three glorious days, one at the Lizard, one at St Ives and Cape Cornwall, and one in Bude for my sister's birthday. Our last afternoon was spent sitting looking at the sea. It was a very wet and windy day and the waves were large and crashy! Sometimes we do this when we have big decisions to make, or when we just want to take time out and let the rest of the world go by. So while sitting watching the sea, we were able to decide that we are not moving to Cornwall this year, that I am going to make more time for my weaving, we're going to get the garden sorted out, the garage reroofed and the drive blockpaved! I am also going to get more exercise so that I am ready for our holiday in the Outer Hebrides in May.

Last years CQ journal quilt challenge was completed, but only by the skin of my teeth, and I was only able to upload the photos on the day we actually drove to Cornwall! The photos are not brilliant because I dropped my camera and it seems to have resented it!
For some reason Blogger won't upload Decembers JQ, but here are September, October and November.

Do I really want all the hassle and pressure this year, or shall I concentrate on my weaving as I had promised I would?

My CQ newsletter arrived yesterday with details of the Summer School workshops and also the Journal Quilt Challenge for 2011. Having already decided not to sign up for the challenge, I found myself drawing out a 10 inch square (this year's size) on a piece of paper. That's as far as I got before the ideas started to arrive. But no, I am not doing it!!! I have a warp partly wound and I am determined to get it on the loom and finished before we go to Scotland! But there was a full moon last night, and other circular ideas keep trying to float to the top of the muddle in my head! Who knows where it will lead!

I decided I would apply to go to Summer School this year, so my form and cheque were posted this morning. No more decisions for now and it's back to the warping frame!


  1. I'm very jealous of your trip to Cornwall ;-) I'm getting withdrawal symptoms! I've applied to Summer School too and so's Sandra so I hope we all get in. I would love to work with Jo Budd but I'd be happy for any of the tutors if it means I can get there.

    I can understand you not doing the JQs this year. They do take a lot of time. I think I will do them if only to give myself a focus again. I've never worked square so it could be interesting. Hope you're keeping well. x

  2. Re the Kim Klassen photoshop course, I would say it's well worth finding a bit of time, even if you only work through the course and don't necessarily apply it. It has made me less scared to play with Photoshop and clarified things that I wasn't aware of. I have paid a nominal amount $5 for continuing access to the Skinny Photoshop videos.
