Sunday 5 December 2010

Stir crazy

We have had snow on the ground since Monday and as it has been very VERY cold, we have not ventured out much. An ideal opportunity to get all my journal quilts, christma postcards and UFOs finished. Well that was the theory! I did get one journal quilt finished, so just three to go. Must get a move on!! My postcards are also getting done gradually, but on Tuesday I ran out of pelmet vilene so there was a brief halt to proceedings. Never mind, we'll pop into town on Wednesday morning and get some more!

The best laid plans etc!! Wednesday started OK, but soon deteriorated and it snowed heavily all day. As we were confined to barracks yet again, and no pelmet vilene could be got, I improvised with some calico and bondaweb! Actually, I think I prefer the slightly more flexible result this gives.

Here is an interesting view of our doorstep which gave me some ideas for my December journal quilt. I treated myself to some new threads at the Knitting and Stitching show and I'm going to try using them for free machine embroidery and give the supreme slider another run out. White on white sums up what we've been subjected to this week!
There were some more snowy photos, but for some reason, blogger won't let me upload any more!

Anyway, the sun is shining today and it's not so cold, so I'll be vernturing out later to soak up the sunshine!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Penny, I do like your footprints photo :) It is freezing here too, Brrrrrrr! I'm fed up with it now. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I've now signed up as a follower for yours so I shall keep up to date :)
