Sunday 8 February 2015

Feedback ...

Sometimes when were working on a project we get so immersed in it that we stop actually seeing it and the harder we look, the less we actually see. This often happens to me and that's when I like to show what I'm doing to others so that they can pick up on what's going right or wrong and tell me what they see. It's difficult though because we are often afraid of offending by saying that we don't like this or that or that colour doesn't work or it's just not very good and often we avoid the issue by making some bland comment which doesn't really help anyone.

So it's important to remember that if you say "I don't like that" it isn't the same as saying, "I don't like you" but sadly the two statements are often interpreted as meaning the same resulting in hurt feelings and bruised egos.  A very good friend once said to me, "own your art" meaning don't be afraid of what other people might think of it, but learn to accept constructive criticism and not take it personally.

At the moment I'm working on a large project which is the first one I've designed from scratch and planned meticulously rather than just throw together to see what happens. I've reached a stage where I felt ready to show it off and ask for feed back and fortunately I've had what I call genuinely constructive and helpful criticism which was given to me in such a way that I didn't feel upset or defensive. So I'm feeling really lucky to be a member of a lovely textile art group and am beginning to feel at home back here in Cornwall.

So here's a very poor photo of the work in progress which I've put to one side for a while so I can think about the comments I've received and decide whether I need to make some changes.

But I haven't been idle and despite the frost, ice and snow I'm going off to workshop etc. the first of the year was at West Country Embroiderers when my friends Jill and Lindsay ran a workshop on crewel embroidery. Not something I've done before, or even thought I might do, but it was great fun and reminded me that sometimes, sitting by the fire while the DH is watching football on the TV, doing a bit of hand embroidery is just what you need.

So this is my little piece in progress and I'm really enjoying doing it as a bit of light relief!

I've also been lucky enough to get a lovely new toy and am really enjoying it. Although it's a new machine, this model has been around for a very long time and is renowned for being a good workhorse for free machine embroidery. So putting it through its paces I've made this little embroidery

I've also been luck enough to go to a wonderful workshop at the Embroiderers Guild when Karen Scannell was showing us how to print with Thermofax screens and thickened dyes. My results were mixed but it was great fun and a technique I will be able to incorporate into future work.

Lots of projects on the go now with deadlines looming and also lots of exciting workshops booked! So time to shut down the computer and get going!

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