Thursday 31 October 2013

Last day

of the beaches course. What have I achieved?

Well, I have made some stencils: done a small free machined piece: dyed some fabric with indigo and got half way through making a small fabric collage.

Have I enjoyed it? That's a tricky one! I have met some very friendly people and have learned a lot. There have been a few sticky moments as you'd expect when twelve people who don't all know each other very well are thrown into a confined space and although at times give and take has been a bit thin on the ground, it has been fun.

But I really hadn't expected to miss my DH quite so much, or my new home and that has made it a bit difficult at times. I have found that despite my love for textile art, I am not driven by it and so don't feel the need to spend every waking minute drawing, painting and stitching as some of the others seem to do, so I suppose that means that I'm not a "true artist". However, I now feel that my creative juices have had the kick start they needed and I have found the confidence to just do what I want to do without feeling that I need to beat myself up for not doing more. Standing and looking at what's around, letting ideas arrive on their own and just jotting down a few notes is as far as my planning projects has gone but that process will go on even after I've left here.

We have had some lovely convivial meals courtesy of Sally and Tim who own the farm. Looking out of the bathroom window at night I can see the lights of Polruan twinkling in the distance and if the sun is shining, Gribben head is visible with its red and white tower standing out on the cliff top. There has been moonlight and wonderful starry skies and indeed the setting here is tranquil and very beautiful. We have new lambs who are already forming gangs even though they're only a few days old! I haven't been down to the beach but if the weather is kind I can always come again and do that and I do have to ask myself how many shells I really need.

Today there was a beautiful sunrise that has set me thinking about new beginnings. I'm looking forward to going home tomorrow to start making things for the various exhibitions that are coming up.

I will also be taking some lovely memories with me and hope to keep in touch with some of the new friends I've made.

Now I need to go and have some breakfast and get ready for the day!


  1. A lovely post Penny. I wish I had known how homesick you were, I could have given you a hug xx I'm sure you are a true artist. The work you produced was lovley, especially the beachscape, and the pace one works out doesn't define them as an artist so you definitely qualify :-) I'm glad the workshop helped you find your place and direction. It has made me realise I need to take a step back and consider where my textile work is going and what I want to chieve in the future. A good clear out is in line too! Maybe I should move house to spur me on?! ;-)

  2. It was a stressful beginning to the week but I enjoyed meeting and sharing ideas with one or two people (I have bought rope and a piece of chain ready to dye). Hope to meet you again under more convivial circumstances
